Why Did They Preach So Much About Hell?

Jesus said blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God (Matt 5:8). This is the promise of salvation and the sole point of heaven; one can enjoy the presence of God eternally and uninterrupted. This is a far cry from longing for an all-you-eat heaven that’s like a day at Carowinds with no lines – or simply the desire for anyplace but hell. 

Preachers were often criticized for using hell-fire and damnation as a scare tactic... but honestly it may have been the best they had. The alternative was to preach that we need salvation so we can be with God. Such would have only appealed to a precious few.  While no one wants to go to hell, very few actually care about the thought of constantly worshiping the One about whom they know little, and for Whom they have shown to care even less. 

The good news is that God will not force anyone to endure His constant presence who has never cared for it previously. Heaven would be nothing but misery for mansion shoppers looking to be rewarded for enduring a few unavoidable worship services while on earth. Eternity without God is the reward for religion done my way and while preaching on hell is both biblical and necessary, such will never make you love and worship Someone you don’t know.

However, the promise of seeing God delights the hearts of His children. In fact, they shudder to think of eternity without his constant presence. Jesus declared them blessed.